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Visits to Nepalese schools in Kathmandu and Bhaktapur

24.3.2025 08:00

Satakunta University of Applied Sciences (SAMK), in collaboration with Centria and SeAMK, will visit local schools in Nepal in March 2025. The purpose of the visits is to introduce Finnish higher education opportunities and engage with local students interested in studying abroad.


25 March: Visit to Kathmandu University (Business dept)

26 March: Visit to Kathmandu University (Engineering dept) 

27 March: Visit to local high school in Bhaktapur

28 March: Visit to Siddhartha Vanasthali Institute, seminar for college students graduating from SVI

29 March: seminar at The Malla Hotel for prospect students

Event time

Starts:   24.3.2025 08:00
Ends:   29.3.2025 16:00

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