The Interreg MUSTBE project aims to improve the condition of the Baltic Sea by treating stormwater that reaches the sea by developing novel, multi-benefit stormwater management systems. Within this project the partners aim to combine multidimentional nature-based stormwater treatment solutions with digital solutions to maximize stormwater treatment efficacy and municipalities capacity to monitor the actual quality of the stormwater. In total 7 pilot sites will be set up in 4 countries. For further information on the project, please see
Date: October 2, 2024, 8:30–15:00
Venue: Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, Satakunnankatu 23, 28130 Pori. Auditorium C213.
8:30 Welcome coffee and registration
9:00–12:00 Welcome words and presentations
- Welcome words and objectives of the event by Aleksi Siirtola, MUSTBE Project Manager and Constructor at City of Pori, Finland.
- MUSTBE project in short by Siim Reinla, MUSTBE project’s Lead Manager, Municipality of Viimsi, Estonia.
- Multidimensional analysis by Kerta Kõiv, Chartered Water Supply and Sewerage Engineer, TalTech, Estonia
- Extreme weather conditions – stormwater quality and quantity by Minna Keinänen-Toivola, Chief Researcher, Maritime Logistics Research Center at SAMK, Finland
- Acid sulphite soils, ASS – results of HAPPASU project by Anna Tuovinen, Expert, Pyhäjärvi-instituutti, Finland
- Online monitoring by Ville Kuoppala, Technical Manager, BK-Hydrometa, Finland
- Stormwater flood modelling, Mikko Sane, Development Engineer, SYKE, Finland
12:00–13:00 Lunch break
13:00–15:00 Short presentation about the Pori tree tank pilot site and visit to the pilot site
15:00 End of the seminar
The event is free of charge, but requires preregistration. The registration form will be open until September 15, 2024.
Programme may be subject to change. This activity is supported as part of MUSTBE, which is an Interreg Central Baltic Programme 2021–2027 project co-funded by the European Union.