Tapahtuman oletuskuva

Job Days - Online recruitment event for the tourism, hospitality, restaurant, and catering sectors

16.4.2024 10:00


Work in Estonia, Finland, Latvia - Online recruitment event for the tourism, hospitality, restaurant, and catering sectors


Looking for a job or workers in the Central Baltic region? This is your chance!

We offer the possibility to participate in an online recruitment event between Estonia, Finland, and Latvia. The event focuses on the tourism, hospitality, restaurant, and catering sectors. The event is open to all job seekers in the field. Highlighted are the young jobseekers and professionals in the field (aged 15-24).

In the event, companies will have a short introduction to the company and the work opportunities it has to offer. The job seekers will have their CVs ready for a chat with the employers. In addition, short and informative presentations shall be given on two topics: 1) living and working in the countries (Estonia, Finland, and Latvia), and 2) the process of making an international recruitment.

Date and time of the event:
Tuesday 16.4.2024 at 10-12 (i.e., Estonian, Finnish, and Latvian time; UTC +2 hours)

Register for the event:
Job seekers 

Additional information:
Project manager Tiina Leino (

The event is organised by the Tour4Youth project, which is implemented by:
Satakunta University of Applied Sciences (Lead Partner), Finland; and as Project Partners
Kurzeme Planning Region, Latvia;
Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences, Latvia;
Satakunta TE-Office, Finland;
Pärnumaa Vocational Education Center, Estonia
and funded by the Interreg Central Baltic Programme.


Alkaa:   16.4.2024 10:00
Päättyy:   16.4.2024 12:00

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