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Education System of Azerbaijan - Potential Collaboration Opportunities

16.2.2024 11:00

Webinar (ZOOM Platform)

Join our webinar: Education System of Azerbaijan - Potential Collaboration Opportunities organized by the LEF Network Azerbaijan Interreg Central Baltic project.

Webinar highlights the education system in Azerbaijan and opportunities for collaboration.

Join us to:

  • discover the advantages of cooperation with education sector of Azerbaijan.
  • get familiar with best practices examples of corporate universities.
  • explore the international aspects of Azerbaijan's education system, opportunities for studying abroad, and the presence of international schools ready for cooperation.

Bonus two Q&A sessions organized with experts from the industry.

Please see the detailed programme

Please register to participate in the webinar. 

If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to reach out to us:

Join us in shaping the future of education and fostering collaboration between the Central Baltic region and Azerbaijan!


Thanks to our service provider: The German-Azerbaijani Chamber of Commerce (AHK Azerbaijan)


About the Project

LEF network Azerbaijan project is a crucial step towards promoting innovation and boosting the bio-economy in the Central Baltic area by organizing export cooperation with Azerbaijan region by collaboration between businesses and support organizations. This joint effort will not only benefit enterprises looking to enter the Azerbaijani market but also contribute to the overall economic growth of all participating countries.

Project Goals

The primary goal of the LEF Network Azerbaijan project is to establish agreements between mature SMEs in Finland, Estonia, Latvia, and Azerbaijan.

Project partners

  • Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry – leading organization
  • Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry;
  • Satakunta University of Applied Sciences;
  • Caspian Energy Club project partner in Azerbaijan.

Event time

Starts:   16.2.2024 11:00
Ends:   16.2.2024 14:00

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Event location

Webinar (ZOOM Platform)